
Admission Attendance & Withdrawal

  • Every pupil for admission must be introduced in person by the one who will be responsible for him to the principal. The application must be made in the prescribed format supplied by the school. Date of birth once entered in the admission register will not be changed.
  • Punctuality and regular attendance is absolutely necessary. No leave of absence is granted except on written application from the parent or guardian stating specific reason for the same mentioning the pupil’s name and class.
  • The pupil’s name will be striked off from the attendance register if he is absent consecutively for fifteen days without a written application for leave. In this case re-admission will be considered as fresh admission.
  • Children should arrive five minutes before school starts. Those arriving after assembly will present themselves to the principal before entering the class.
  • Written or personal application must be made by the parent or guardian for the T.C. of a pupil. All fees and other dues to the school must be paid up, before the T.C is issued.
  • No pupil will be allowed to leave school during class time unless a responsible person comes with a letter from the parent.